Just Add Salt

IMG_1771For several days now I've wanted to bake the Seed-crusted Amaranth Biscuits from Heidi Swanson's book, Super Natural Cooking: Five Ways To Incorporate Whole and Natural Ingredients into Your Cooking.Something, usually timing things with Lentil or falling asleep while standing up, prevented me from getting to them.
Not today, oh no! After a long snack-nap in bed with Lentil, we put her down for a nap and I retired to the kitchen for some biscuit making.
Mister is the baker of breads in our family. I had a bread machine which he disdainfully poked into a corner of the garage. These biscuits did not look too difficult. No rising involved. What could screw them up?
The premise of Swanson's book is to move away from processed and refined flours, sugars, and other ingredients and use a wider array of grains, vegetables, sweeteners, you get the picture. This recipe called for whole wheat pastry flour which is not, as Swanson claims, easily available. I used White Lily self-rising flour but cut one of the two tablespoons called for.IMG_1772
Swanson says to roll the dough out to 3/4 of an inch. 
Oops, my first round I rolled to 1/4 of an inch (I'm used to pies). In the smaller picture, the smaller (read: flatter) biscuit was rolled too thin. The dough was surprisingly forgiving. The biscuit on the left was rolled three times.
Great flavor but oops! number two. I forgot to put in salt. I sprinkled some on top in the last batch for a shot of flavor. The biscuits are tiny, cut with a 1 1/2 inch ring. Good with soup or snacketizers.

Just Add Salt

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